What I Know Now - the Suite Set Podcast

Do you want to know how to choose a hospital to give birth in? What do you ask at your first pregnancy appointment? Should you cover your pram in hot weather? How much does having a baby cost? Should you get a pap smear? How do you introduce baby to your dog? What does a Doula do?

All the best information for parents to be or new parents - delivered in an easy to understand, fast format. Because sometimes that is all we really need to end the overwhelm.

Our podcast starts with an introduction to The Suite Set and some very handy bag packing tips. We would love you to follow us wherever you get your podcasts - you'll find a link here to Apple Podcasts and Shopify Podcasts. 

Unashamedly I am a champion of parents, I am a champion of their ability to choose what's best for their families based on the best information available to them.

Our mission at the suite set, and here on What I know now - is to end the overwhelm when it comes to pregnancy and new parenthood, so I am committed to only sharing robust, researched information to help you on your way in this podcast.

I've got no time for long explaining podcasts, 35 minutes for a simple answer isn't our style- so here in "What I know now" you'll get all the big info you need in a tiny size.

The information we share with you is inspired by my real-life experience of having two babies in 19 months and then fact-checked by the best in the baby business.

Based on research and anchored - importantly - in our pregnancy and parenting journey - as well our passion for doing things with ease.

Let's make it all as easy as it can be.

Remember, the information here is from our research and fact-checking and based on our own experience, so make sure to always seek your very own professional advice before making any individual medical or wellbeing decisions.

So here we go - let's set about ending that overwhelm.