What I know now - Bec Abraham

I talk often of the true joy of being a mum in small business, which is the other mums in small business.

Honestly - no one lifts you and champions you so much as those who walk the same path of parenting and small business-ing. One of these women who stood out straight away for me was Rebecca Abraham. She has been a shining light to me (and many others I know). She champions other businesses and she supports her customers with a generosity of spirit. Bec provides her over almost 11,000 Instagram followers with reassuring and helpful advice from her experience as an infant sleep consultant. 

In addition to running the best wraps business in the business, in October, Bec and her husband Earl will welcome Baby Abraham Four. I asked Bec to share her "what I know now" with our suite set community.

Q. Bec, Having a newborn can be an isolating time, where did you turn to for support?

A. It was really hard when I had my first baby, I was 25 and none of my friends had babies yet which was nice in that they all wanted to come for cuddles but no one understood what I was going through. It was made especially hard because my husband was studying for his surgical exams so just didn’t have the physical or mental space to help out. I actually eventually moved in with my parents. Just having people around made all the difference. Newborn life can be so scary and isolating and surrounding yourself with reliable family support makes all the difference.

It’s different when you have your second or third, you don’t really get a chance to feel as lonely because you are so busy. Even those drop-offs at daycare at school force you to get up and get dressed and put on a bit of a happy face.

Q. If you were talking to you, pre-baby, pre-birth - what would your pep talk be?

I always think the beauty of having several children is that by the time number three rolls around you get to be the exact mother you want to be. You have the confidence in yourself to make decisions and not be led by others. You follow your gut because you know it is right and I would love to have had that as a first-time mother. Before my first, I read too many books written by professionals and I wish I could tell myself to put down the books and parent from the heart more.

Q. What do you remember most from the newborn phase Bec?

A. It’s so different with each baby. You are a different mother to every child you have. Two out of my three babies have had severe reflux and that always throws a spanner in the works. So to be honest the newborn phase is a blur to me. Coffee and cat naps really.

Q. Hospitals are unfamiliar places to many new parents. What are your top tips to make going into hospital to have a baby less daunting?

A. I actually L O V E the hospital experience. My hospital that I’ve delivered in had a night nursery which I saw as the best babysitting service ever. I used it so regain energy and strength and I loved the time I had with my newborns. I have done a 3 day stay, a 5 day stay and a 7 day stay - so I say pack as much as you can because you just don’t know what will happen with your birth, and therefore how long you will need to stay.

Q. if you could make sure one thing was packed in your hospital bag? What would it be?

A. A Bellies and Beyond wrap.. can I say that? 🤪 After that a phone charger so you can take a million photos of that sweet bundle. I also am so excited about being organised this time around rather than just throwing everything in the bag, so thank you Suite Set for making me feel like a mother that has her sh*t together!

Q. You're an amazing connector - what advice would you have to other mamas about creating a collective of women?

A. I thrive on connecting with mothers. I think we have so much to learn from each other, and gain from friendships. I think my advice is to be open and expose that rawness and you’ll find your village. I have no time for the perfect mothers that can’t be honest with me, or with themselves. I like to be able to celebrate the highs together but also be there in the lows together. I think if you are genuine, you’ll find your tribe.