
Marigold Sets



Our suite set for parents who won't bring their babies home from the hospital.

By purchasing Marigold, you are contributing to the funds to produce these sets.

You will receive updates on the production of the sets as we progress them into physical products.

When families go to the hospital to have a baby, knowing their baby won't be coming home, they still have to pack a bag. They still have to prepare for a hospital stay and pack things that are practical as well as comforting.

We have worked with families who have suffered loss to redevelop our suite sets to be appropriate and sensitive in the form of marigold.

Our Marigold sets will include packing instructions, as well as labelled coordinated bags. These will be just like the ones you've come to love and trust in the signature suite set.

The key for us here is that we want the Marigold sets to be accessible, in the urgent time frame and at cost price.

The name marigold was brought to us by my friend Alice. Derived from "Mary's Gold" flowers, symbolism is connected to the Virgin Mary and a potent symbol of motherhood. Marigolds represent strength and the light that lives within us.

They have also been used as a talisman for those who need to cross over land or a body of water. Which we think is beautiful and fitting. In folklore too, it is believed that the bright colours of the marigold and their sweet fragrance attract souls and help them find a home.

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